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Do you need a Height Adjustable Desk?

Updated: Feb 3, 2021

It's a popular topic right now and one that most people have thought about- the home office environment.

In this current climate, you can't help but ponder how long we will be working from home and will it continue after restrictions have been lifted?

Perhaps you're working from the kitchen table with the noise of family life continuing around as you're arched over a laptop screen? Maybe you've managed to commandeer the study for a bit of peace and quiet with the help of an extra screen above your laptop?

No matter the circumstances, it's not new information that getting up and moving throughout the day can be hugely beneficial, not only for our physical health but for our mental state too.

We can try and get some sunlight, eat some

vegetables, and drink more water but one way to help our concentration (and that niggling back ache) throughout the day is to introduce a height-adjustable desk into your home office.

You wouldn't be alone in thinking that a height adjustable desk is just the next fad and will soon pass us by, but studies show that as w

e live longer, we care more about our health and perhaps it is something we should be focused on. Recently, The World Health Organisation estimates 3.325 million people die annually due to physical inactivity, making it the fourth leading cause of mortality.

It is said that sitting down for too long can be harmful to your health and taking breaks to stand up will help with your concentration as well as overall health. Thomas Waters of the National Institute for Occupational Safety conducted a literature review of the risks associated with prolonged standing and the impact this has on our bodies. He found that the problems associated with standing for a significant time can include reduction in blood flow to brain, swelling of the legs, dizziness, affected heart rate and blood pressure to name a few (the list goes on...)

It is thought that dynamic moving is the key. OCEE presented research recently that suggests people focus on how many hours we sit or stand for, when in fact this may be incorrect. Instead, it's how often you interrupt sitting and standing that is good for you. The real benefits come from the movement of changing between standing and sitting throughout the day.

To achieve this incredibly easily, a height adjustable desk is the answer. Without even leaving your desk (where let's be honest, most of us can't just get up and walk away during working hours) you're able to refresh your concentration, give your legs a stretch and also benefit your overall health.

Even if you do no other form of exercise that day, going from sitting to standing 32-36 times per day may help reduce the risk of non communicable diseases such as type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases.

If you are interested in adding a height adjustable desk into your home office, take a look at MT Millar's range. Feel free to contact us here



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